Well, we had some exciting happenings this week. On Tuesday night Brady went to the Dugout with his dad while I went to the grocery. When I came to pick him up I was a little upset to see his first black eye. Of course it was a complete accident. Jason was holding a bat and Brady was running full speed and ran right into the end of it. Jason said he only cried for a minute, but of course he wanted sympathy from me as soon as I got there. Poor guy!
On a better note, that same night, Emma finally ate some baby food. We have been trying for weeks to get Emma to eat cereal or baby food or anything other then milk without gagging or throwing up. She has not liked any fruits and I tried a few veggies, but I hadn't tried green beans, because what baby prefers green beans. Well, wouldn't you know she loved them. She didn't gag at all and she ate the whole jar. Since then she is now eating bananas as well. Yah!