Kelly's birthday was this weekend so after the game we came back to mom and dad's and had a few people over to celebrate her 26th. Happy Birthday Aunt Keke!!
Jason and I went to the game last Saturday with my parents and we had a great time. It would have been better if KY would have played better, but they still won so we were happy and it was an exciting game to watch. Hope they win this weekend against Florida. As Brady says C-A-T-S, Cats, Cats, Cats!
Well, we have some big news! BRADY IS GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER. That's right we are expecting our second baby in April and we are very excited. I am 10 weeks pregnant and I've been feeling pretty good. I have been tired and a little nauseous with this one. I was never sick with Brady and this time it hasn't been horrible, but every couple of days I feel kinda sick. I'm sure in a fews weeks I'll feel much better and have more energy. But we are looking forward to this new baby. I'm not sure how Brady will handle it, but I know he'll be a great big brother.
This morning mom, Kelly and I did the MS Walk at Freeman Lake and it was a beautiful morning. Unfortunately Brady is sick so he didn't go with us, but my friends Danielle and Donna and their kids walked. We also met up with Emily & Josh and their family. It was a nice walk and for a great cause.
We got Brady a new bike last weekend and he loves it. His legs are just a tiny bit too short, but he uses his feet to get around and it makes cool music and sounds. It is in our living room when he's not riding outside, which makes me a little crazy, but that's okay.
We went to mom's ExCel Award Ceremony tonight and it was really nice. We went to The Olmstead in Louisville where we had a nice dinner and saw all of the other recipients of the ExCel Awards from the surrounding counties. The presentation was nice and we were all very proud of mom. We took pictures before we went so Brady could be in them. He has a tux that fits him perfect so we decided to get some family pics. He is such a ham. He liked dressing up.
When I was doing laundry yesterday I had taken clothes out of the dryer and came back to put more in the dryer. To my surprise I had a little friend that had crawled into the dryer and was playing. Here is a video of him. What a mess!
Jason is coaching for North Hardin this year and they had their first game against Bardstown two weeks ago. They won, and Brady was really good considering the game was so late. He has some new friends that are coaches kids. He likes playing with Hanna, Ace and Anna. These are a few pics of him and Hanna from the first game. North beat LaRue this past weekend and they play Shelby Co. on Friday.
Brady and I went to the state fair with mom, Kelly, Joseph and Jessi last Saturday. We had a great time and Brady really enjoyed seeing all of the animals. It was a nice day and not too hot.